Why i’m here…………..

I’ve decided to do a blog as a way of venting emotions, life’s ups and downs, love (or in my case lack of) and feeling like a 10 year old girl trapped in a 29 year old body, although if anyone had seen my body they may think 29 was too young!

When you finally reach the ripe old age of 21, and i say finally because when you’re young you feel like you’re waiting a millenium to get to that milestone, and you still think the age of 30 is OLD, everyone tells you when you’ve reached 21 it’s downhill and time flies by. Well i’m now 29 and in less than 4 months i will be turning (gulp) 30! And now i’m thinking those bastards cursed me!

Growing up i had the usual hopes and dreams, being a virgin flight attendant beacause i always thought they looked glamourous in their suits, neck tie, cute little hat and of course the red lipstick, which i used to try to copy as a kid by rubbing red sweets over my lips to make them red, thought i would be married to prince charming with the most wonderfully behaved children by the time i was 30. And of course you can guess where dreaming got me……………

Working in tesco for the last 11 years, no children and never met prince charming (well unless you count disneyland when i had my picture taken with him and cinderella) in fact i haven’t really dated much at all. And i guess this is what made me mandiemoodiepants, sceptical about life, love and death and prbably always will be.

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